قصة سجين زندا سؤال وجواب رائعة للصف الثالث الثانوى

اذهب الى الأسفل

حمل قصة سجين زندا سؤال وجواب رائعة للصف الثالث الثانوى

مُساهمة من طرف archive1 الإثنين يوليو 01, 2013 9:53 am

The Final Revision on
The Prisoner of  Zenda
Chapter one
1) Who is Rose?من هي روز
She is Robert’s wife.
2)How did Rudolf Rassendyll justify not working?
كيف برر رودولف راسيندل عدم عمله  
- He belonged to a rich important family and didn’t need to work.
3) What were his skill?ما هي مهارته
- He spoke many languages, rode horses and was good at gun and swords.
4) What was the difference between Rudolf and his brother?ما الفرق بين رودلوف وأخيه
- Robert realized that his position in society had responsibilities.
Rudolf had red her.
5) What did Rose suggest Rudolf should do?ماذا اقترحت روز
- Rudolf should work for Sir Jacob in an English embassy.
6) Why did he decide to visit Ruritania? لماذا قرر الذهاب لروريتانيا
- To attend the coronation of King Rudolf the Fifth.
7) What  did Rass. tell his family about his plans? Why
ماذا قال لأسرته عن خططه ولماذا
- He was going to the Alps to write a book about social problems in the country. He wanted them not to think he was lazy.لم يردهم يعتقدوا أنه كسول
8)  Who is Antoinette de Mauban?من هي انطوانيت دو موبان
- She is a French lady and a friend of Duke Michael.
9) Why did the guards at the border stare at Rudolf Rassendyll? لماذا دقق الحراس النظر في رودولف راسيندل عند الحدود
- Because he looked very much like Rudolf Elphberg, the King of Ruritania.
10) What is Zenda?ما هي زيندا
- It's a small town, 80 kilometers from the capital, Strelsau. It has a famous castle and forest.
11) What did the owner of the inn think of Duke Michael?
ما رأي صاحبة الحانة في الدوق مايكل
- He should be the king as he cares about people but the king only likes hunting and good food.
12) Who were with the king in the forest of Zenda? Where?
من كان مع الملك في غابة زندا وأين
- Colonel Sapt and Fritz in the hunting lodge of Micahel.
13) Why did Rass. go to the forest of Zend?لماذا ذهب لغابة زندا
- to meet the king who was hunting and living in the lodge.

Chapter 2
14) Why was the king of Ruritania surprised to see Rassendyll?
لماذا اندهش الملك لرؤية راسيندل
- because Rassendyll looked exactly  like the king.

15) Why did Fritz say that it is not a good for Rass. to attend the cornation?
لماذا أخبره فرتز انه ليس جيدا حضوره التتويج
- People would be puzzledمحتار to see double of the king
16) What happened at the end of his meal?
ماذا أحضر جوزيف في نهاية الوجبة
- Josef brought some cakes sent by Michael.
17) What happened to the king? ماذا حدث للملك
- He was poisoned by the cakes. His face was red and can’t breathe easily.
18) Why did Michael poison the king?لماذا سمم مايكل الملك
- to stop him from attending the coronation and become a king.

19) Why wasn’t Rass. As sick as the king?لماذا لم يصب راسندل مثل الملك
- because he only ate one cake.
20) What did Sapt suggest to save the crown?
ماذا اقترح سابت لإنقاذ العرش
-Rassendyll would go to Strelsau to be crowned as he was exactly like the king.
21) What things did Sapt tell Rassendyll about the King?
ما الأشياء التي قالها سابت عن الملك
-He told him about the King's life, his family, interests, weaknesses, friends and servants.

22)What was Sapt’s plan to save the thron?ما خطة سابت لإنقاذ العرش
- Rass, would pretend to be the king as he looked like him and spoke perfect German then they would bring the king from the hunting lodge.
23) When would they get the king back to Strelsau?
 متى سيرجعون الملك  للعاصمة ستريلساو
- At night, after the coronation
24)Who overheard their plan? What did they do with that person?من سمع بخطتهم وماذا فعلوا معه
- Johann’s mother. They tied her and locked her in?
25) Why did they go to the station early?لماذا ذهبوا للمحطة مبكرا
- They didn’t want Michael’s men to find them in the hunting lodge.

26)What was the first thing they did when they reached the capital? ما اول شيئ فعلوه عند الوصول
- They had breakfast at the station restaurant.تناولوا الأفطار
27)What kind was the life of  people in Strelsau?  ما نوع الحياة التي كان يعيشها الناس في ستريلساو
The rich lived a comfortable life in big houses but the poor lived in very old and small houses.
28) Why was Rass. very worried when he saw Antoinette?
لماذا قلق عند رؤية انطوانيت
He was afraid that she would tell every one that he was not the real king.
Chapter 3
29) How did Marshal Strakencz test Rassendyll’s courage?
كيف اختبر مارشال ستراكينش شجاعة راسيندل
- He gave an order to his men to enter a poor part of the town where the people were loyal to Duke Michael.
30) How did Rassendyll prove to be brave?كيف اثبت راسيندل شجاعته
- He walked through the poor area alone to the palace.
31)Why was Sapt so anxious about Rassendyll’s decision to ride alone through the old town?
لماذا كان سابت متوترا عند سير راسندل وحيدا
- He was afraid that Rass. may have been hurt.
32) What did people in the poor area do during the king's walking?ماذا فعل الفقراء اثناء سير الملك
- Some talked quietly and then cheered. Others were quiet and looked at him angrily.
33) How did the Duke  feel on seeing Rassendyll? ما شعور مايكل عند رؤية راسيندل (الملك)
- His face became white. He was surprised to see him.
33) Why did Rassendyll feel confident during the coronation?
لماذا شعر راسيندل بالثقة أثناء التتويج
- No one, not even Princess Flavia, realized that Rassendyll was not the real King.
34) What did the king do after greeting the guests?
ماذا فعل الملك بعد تحية الضيوف
- He went in a coach around the streets with princess Flavia.
35) What did Princess Flavia notice about the king (Rass.)?
ماذا لاحظت الأميرة فلافيا على الملك (راسندل)
- She thought he was thinner. He really had changed that day.
36) When must Rassendyll leave the country? Why?
   متى يجب على راسيندل مغادرة البلد؟ ولماذا؟ - Directly after the coronation Because Michael wanted to kill him.
37) How could Rassendyll get out of the town?
 كيف تمكن راسندل من الخروج من المدينة
- Sapt wrote a permit and Fritz stayed to guard the room. They got out through the secret passage ممر سري and then gave coins to the girl to open the gate.
38) What did they see on the road?ماذا رأوا في الطريق
- They saw the Duke and Max Holf going to the castle.
39) What did they find out when reached the hunting lodge?
ماذا اكتشفا عند الوصول لمسكن الصيد
- The old woman escaped, the king was kidnapped and Josef was killed.
40) What did Sapt decide to do to worry the Duke?
ما القرار الذي اتخذه سابت لكي يقلق الدوق
- They’d go back to Strelsau and Rassendyll would pretend to be the king again.
Chapter 4
41)How did Sapt encourage Rass. to go on pretending?
كيف شجع سابت كي يستمر في التظاهر أنه الملك
- He told Rassendyll if he was a man, he could save the king.
42)What did Sapt and Rass. see from the Hunting Lodge window in the moonlight?
ماذا رأي سايت وراسيندل من الشباك في ضوء القمر
-They could see about 9 men coming down from Zenda
43) Rassendyll was a very good Swordsman .Discuss.
راسيندل كان مبارز جيد ناقش
- Rassendyll killed two of Michael’s men with his sword.
44) How was the farmer was kind to them?كيف كان الفلاح عطوفا معهم
He let them rest and gave them food.
45) What did Sapt tell Freyler about the king's finger?
ماذا قال سابت لفرايل عن اصبع الملك
- The king caught his finger in a door.
46)Who were the Six Men?
من هم الستة رجال
-They were six special soldiers that Michael kept all the time.
47)Why did 3 of Michael's six men were with him in Strelsau?لماذا نصف رجاله غير موجودين
-That meant the other half were guarding the king.
48) How was Rassendyll's visit to the Princess would help him?كيف قد تساعده زيارة الأميرة
-The Princess was very popular and the people liked her.
49)What mistake does Rass. make? How does he cover up his mistake?
ما الخطأ الذي ارتكبه راسندل وكيف اصلحه
- Rassendyll didn’t give Michael the permission to enter the room.
He covers his mistake by saying that he keeps forgetting all the rules.
50) What did Rassendyll tell Princess Flavia and Michael about his injured finger?
ماذا قال راسندل لهما عن صابعه المصاب
He told them that an animal (Michael ) had bitten him.
51)How did Rassendyll know that the Six Men also knew his secret?
كيف علم راسندل ان الستة رجال يعرفون سره
- He knows because of the way Detchard (the Englishman) smiled at him when he is presented to him.
Chapter 5
52) What responsibilities did Rudolf Rassendyll have as a King?  ما هي مسؤليات راسيندل كملك
- Meeting very important people, signingتوقيع  very important documents and caring about the people in his country.
53) Why did nobody notice that Rassendyll was not the real King?
لماذا لم يلحظ أحد أن راسيندل ليس الملك الحقيقي 
- because he looked so like the King. He spoke German vey well.
54) Who were the only two who allowed anyone to go into the castle?ما الشخصين الذين يسمحون بدخول القلعة 
-The Duke and Rupert Hentzau.
55) Why did Sapt have Rass. followed everywhere?
لماذا تبع سابت راسندل في كل مكان
- To protect him from Michael’s men. If they could kill or kidnap Rass., they would kill the real King.
56) Who wrote the first letter to Rass. and what ddid it say?
ممن كان الخطاب الأول لراسندل وماذا به
-Antoinette de Mauban wrote a letter. It told him to come to her   summer house late at night.
57)What did Detchard offer him? Why didn’t Rassendyll accept it? ماذا عرض ديتشارد ولماذا رفض راسندل
- He offered to give Rass. 50,000 pounds and a safe journey to the border. Rass. didn’t accept this because he knew that they would kill the King. He didn’t trust them.
58) How did Rassendyll come out of the summer house alive?
كيف خرج راسندل سليمًا من المنزل الصيفي
- He held the iron table in front of him to protect him (like a shield) and he hurried out of the door and knocked the three men down. He ran quickly away.
59) If Michael's plan to kill Rass. at the summer house succeeded, what would he do after that?
لو نجحت خطة مايكل في قتل راسيندل  بالمنزل الصيفي, ماذا سيفعل مايكل بعد ذلك؟
- Sapt and Fritz would be arrested for murdering Rassendyll. Then, Michael would kill the real king too. Finally, the Duke would become the King.
60)The Princess received two letters. What were they and who were they from?
تلقت الأميرة رسالتين ما هما وممن أرسلا
- One was an invitation from Michael for her to visit him in Zenda. The other was a warning not to accept any invitations from Michael. It was from Antoinette.

61) What did Rassendyll tell Marshal Strakencz to do?
ماذا أمر راسندل  المارشال ستراكنش بفعله
- He told him to guard the Princess. He also told the Marshal if he didn’t get a message from him for three days, he would then ask the Duke to allow him to see the King. If he didn’t, Princess Flavia would be queen.
62) Why did everyone believe that Rassendyll had done a very good job as a King?
لماذا اعتقد الجميع أن راسيندل نجح كملك      
- He could show the people of Strelsau that he was very near King. He showed them that he trusted them and cared about poor people.

Chapter 6
63) How did Rassendyll justify his different handwriting  from the King’s to Marshal Strakencz?
 كيف برر راسندل اختلاف خط يده عن الملك
- Because of his injured finger.
64) What did Rassendyll tell Princess Flavia before leaving Strelsau?ماذا قال لفلافيا قبل رحيله لزندا
- He told her he was going to hunt a big animal (Michael). He told her she had to become Queen if he didn’t return.
65) Where did Rassendyll and his men stay for their hunting trip? أين اقام راسندل ورجاله من أجل الصيد
-They stayed in a country house called Tarlenheim.
66) What reason did Duke Michael give for not visiting “King” Rassendyll or inviting him to his castle?
لماذا لم يزر مايكل الملك أو يدعوه لزيارة القلعة
-He said that he and some servants have a serious sickness
67)Why do Rassendyll and Fritz go to the inn at Zenda?
لماذا ذهب راسندل وفريتز للحانة في زندا
- To look for Johann and use him as a spy in the castle
68) What message did Rupert Hentzau bring the next day? How does Rassendyll reply?
ما الرسالة التي جاء بها هنزو؟ وما رد راسندل
- The Duke offered Rassendyll a safe journey to the border and a million gold pieces. Rassendyll refused.
69)What happens when Rupert was leaving?ماذا حدث عند مغادرة هنزو
As Rupert was leaving, he stabbed Rass. in the shoulder with a knife.
70) What did they learn from Johann?ماذا علموا من جوهان
-They learn where the King was being kept in the castle and the Duke’s plans.
71) What would happen if some people attacked the Castle?
      ماذا قد يحدث لو اقتحم  البعض القلعة
-Detchard would kill the King and the body would be put down the pipe.

Chapter 7
72) Why did Princess Flavia order Marshall Strakencz to take her to Tarlenheim?
لماذا أمرت الأميرة فلافيا المارشال بأخذها لتارلنهايم
- to see the King because she heard he was badly injured.
73)Why did Rassendyll and the others go to the castle at night?
لماذا ذهب راسندل والأخرون للقلعة ليلا
-To see how they could make plan to save the king.
74) Why did Rassendyll kill Max Holf?لماذا قتل راسندل ماكس هولف
-He was guarding the King’s prison
75) Who got killed in the fight in the woods? Who got away?
من قتل في الغابة ومن هرب
- Two of the Duke’s Six Men and three of Rassendyll’s men got killed. Rupert Hentzau escaped.
76) Why was the Chief of Police looking for Mr Rassendyll?
لماذا كان رئيس الشرطة يبحث عن راسندل
- Because they found his bags near the train station after he had disappeared
77) What plan did Rupert offer to Rassendyll in the woods?
ما الخطة التي قدمها هنزو لراسندل في الغابة
- He offered to help him attack the castle. But Sapt, Fritz, Michael and the King had to be killed. Rassendyll could stay as King and Rupert would be given a reward (money).
78) Why was Antoinette being kept a prisoner  in the castle?
لماذا تم سجن انطوانيت في القلعة
- Michael discovered that she helped Rassendyll in the summer house.
79) Why didn’t Duke Michael let the doctor leave?
لماذا لم ترك مايكل الطبيب يغادر القلعة
- Because the doctor would tell people that the King was a prisoner.
80) Why did Rassendyll ask Antoinette  to cry out for help at two o’clock in the morning?
لماذا طلب راسندل من انطوانيت الصراخ الثانية صباحا
- So the Duke would go to help her. At the same time Johann would open the front door to let in Sapt and Fritz with their men.

81) Where did Rassendyll wait for it to be two o’clock?
أين انتظر راسندل قبل ان تصبخ الساعة الثانية
- He waited by the drawbridge gate next to the castle.
82) Why did Antoinette cry out earlier?لماذا صرخت انطوانيت مبكرا
- Because she was being attacked by Rupert. He wanted to punish.
83) Why did Rassendyll kill De Gautet with a sword, not with a gun?لماذا قتله بالسيف وليس بالمسدس
- Because he didn’t want to make any noise.
84) How did Rassendyll get the keys to the King’s prison?
كيف حصل راسندل على مفتايح سجن الملك
- He took them from De Gautet’s clothes after he killed him.
85) Who got killed in the first and the inside room of the King’s prison? Who got wounded?
من قتل في الحجرة الأولى والحجرة الداخلية للملك ومن جرح؟
- Bersonin , the doctorand Detchard, were killed . The King and Rassendyll are wounded.
86) Why didn’t the King fight Detchard directly? How did he help Rassendyll?
لماذا لم يحارب الملك وكيف ساعد راسندل
- The King was weak from illness and in chainsقيود . He helped Rassendyll by pushing a chair into Detchard who fell down and got killed by Rassendyll.

87) Who killed the Duke?
من قتل الدوق (مايكل)
- Rupert Hentzau.
88) Why does Rupert ride away instead of fighting Rassendyll?
لماذا هرب روبرت بدلا من مواجهة راسندل
- Because Fritz came with a gun and Rupert knew he couldn’t fight both of them.
89) How did the boy make a problem for Sapt, Fritz and Rassendyll?كيف سبب الولد مشكلة لهم
- The boy ran out and says the King was behind the tree, but Strakencz and the Princess thought that the King was in the castle.
90)Why did Sapt tell the Princess to come alone to see the King behind the tree?
لماذا طلب سابت من الأميرة أن تأتي وحدها لرؤية الملك خلف الشجرة
- Sapt didn’t want Marchal Strakencz to see Rass.

91)How did Rass. teach the King how to be a real king?
كيف عرف راسندل الملك كيف يكون ملك  بجد
- He should take his responsibilities as King seriously and make his people love him.

92) Why does Sapt have the real King taken from his prison with his face covered?
لماذا أخذ سابت الملك من السجن مغطى الوجه
- Sapt didn’t want his men or the servants to see who the prisoner really was.
93)What did Sapt’s men and the servants think happened to the King and to the prisoner?
ماذا اعتقد رجال سابت والخدم بخصوص ما حدث للملك والسجين
- They thought that the King was wounded in the fight to rescue the prisoner, and that the prisoner went after Hentzau.
94) Do you think Rassendyll was right to pretend to be the King for so long?
هل تعتقد أن راسندل كان محقا في تمثيل دور الملك لفترة طويلة
- Yes, as he could save the throneالعرش
95)Why did Rass. wait in the forest until dark?
لماذا انتظر راسندل في الغابة حتى حلول الليل
- He didn’t any one to see Rass. as the real king was in the castle.
96) What did Rassendyll learn from his adventures?
ماذا تعلم راسندل من مغامرته
-That every one should have responsibilities and dutiesواجبات
97)Why did Sapt tell the King that it wasn't possible for Rass. to go back to Strelsau with the king?لماذا قال سابت للملك أنه غير ممكن  لراسيندل  العودة مع الملك لسترلساو            
- because that would cause problems as people would mistake him for the.
98)Why did Rass. refuse to work for Sir Jacob in Ruritania?
لماذا رفض راسيندل للعمل مع سير جاكوب                                                 
- There would be problems as Rass. looked like the King.

1) “To a man like me, opportunities are responsibilities.”
1. Who said this and when?
2. What does the person mean by this?
3. Do you think a person like this is very serious about work or life?
1. Rudolf Rassendyll while he was eating breakfast with his sister-in-law.
2. He means that if an opportunity comes, he takes it but he doesn’t look for work or
3. Opinions may vary. But his sister-in-law does not think that he is very serious about
work and life with this attitude.
2-“He’s always lived in Ruritania and he cares about the people, so people like him.”
1. Who says this to whom?
2. Who is the person talking about
3. What more does the speaker think about the person?
1. The innkeeper (inn owner) says this to Rassendyll.
2. She’s talking about Duke Michael, the Duke of Strelsau.
3. She wishes that he would be the King.

1- “Meanwhile, I’ll have some breakfast! The King is hungry!”
1. Who says this to whom?
2. Where and when does he say this?
3. What does this show you about the speaker?
1. Rassendyll (disguised as the King) says this to Sapt and Fritz.
2. in the train station at Strelsau. They have just arrived but they are early.
3.  He is feeling a little more relaxed.
2- “God save both Kings.”
1. Who said this and where was he?
2. What did the people say just before this?
3. Why did the speaker say “both Kings”? Who was he talking about?
1. Sapt said this in the restaurant at the train station in Strelsau.
2. The people said, “God save the King!”
3. He’s talking about the real King who was in the lodge at Zenda and about Rassendyll
who was pretending to be the King.
Ch 3
1)“Tell your soldiers to ride ahead of me. I don’t need them or you. You can wait here until.”
1. Who said this to whom?
2. Where were they and when was this?
3. Why did the speaker say this?
1. Rassendyll said this to Marshal Strakencz.
2. They are in the streets of Strelsau, going from the station to the coronation. This is before the coronation.
3. He wants the people to know that he trusts them.
2) “You mustn’t try too hard. I’m not sure it was a good idea to ride alone through the old town”
1. Who says this to whom?
2. Where and when is this said?
3. Why did the person ride alone through the old town?
1. Fritz says this to Rassendyll.
2. They are in the King’s bedroom after the coronation.
3. Rassendyll wanted to act like a real king and show that he wasn’t afraid

1-" You are mad. The plan is too dangerous."
1. Who says this to whom?
2. Where are they?
3. What is the dangerous plan?
1. Rassendyll says this to Colonel Sapt.
2. They are at the hunting lodge near Zenda.
3. Sapt wants Rassendyll to continue to pretend to be the King and to return to Strelsau that night.

2) “We’ve got them! They can’t say anything without showing their guilt.”
1. Who says this to whom?
2. Why does he say this?
3. Who is “them”? What does the speaker mean by “We’ve got them”?
1. Sapt says this to Rasendyll.
2. He is trying to persuade Rassendyll to continue to be the King.
3. “Them” is Duke Michael and his men. The speaker means that they have trapped the Duke and his men.
3)“Now remember, say nothing about this. All young men like to
ride their horses now and then, so why not the King?”
1. Who says this to whom?
2. Where is the speaker coming from and who is with him?
3. Why does the speaker say this?
1. Sapt says this to (Freyler,) the servant waiting for them outside the secret door to the palace.
2. He was coming from Zenda and Rassendyll (disguised as the King) was with him.
3. He doesn’t want the servant to talk about the King’s going out.
1)“It would be very useful for Michael if you disappeared. And if you disappear, the game’s over.”
1. Who says this to whom?
2. Why does the speaker say this?
3. What game would be over if the person disappeared? Explain.
1. Sapt says this to Rassendyll.
2. Because Rassendyll complained that there are always men following him. (The men were ordered by Sapt to do so.)
3. The game of who is King. Michael would also kill the real King and then make himself King.
2) “ I also have a game to play. I’ll tell the Duke’s men that you never came. If the Duke doesn’t find out what I’ve done, we may meet again.”
1. Who says this to whom?
2. Where are they?
3. What has the speaker done that the Duke shouldn’t find out?
1. Antoinette de Mauban says this to Rassendyll.
2. They are in a summer house in a garden in Strelsau.
3. She has warned Rassendyll that they are trying to kill him, and has told him how to escape.
3) “But you always knew that you would become King. How could you think that was someone else’s job?”
1. Who says this to whom?
2. Where are they?
3. What did the other person say before this?
1. Princess Flavia says this to “King” Rassendyll.
2. They are at the ball.
3. when he was younger he didn’t think he had any responsibilities to society..
4) “Every evening, I’ll send you a message. If you don’t get a message for three days, you have the authority to say that you are now the head of Strelsau.”
1. Who says this to whom?
2. When is this said?
3. What other orders does the speaker give?
1. “King” Rassendyll says this to Marshal Strakencz.
2. This is said the day after the ball, before Rassendyll goes to Zenda.
3. The Marshal must guard the Princess and not let Michael or his men near her.

1)“The writing’s a little different from your usual. I hope people know it’s a real order from the King.”
1. Who says this to Rassendyll (the King)?
2. What does he think is the reason that the handwriting is different?
3. Why is it important that the handwriting be the same?
1. Marshal Strakencz says this.
2. He thinks it is different because the King has injured his hand.
3. So that people will know that it is a real order from the King.
2) “So you’d prefer to hunt animals than do your duties in the capital?”
1. Who says this to Rassendyll?
2. When does the person say this?
3. What “animal” is Rassendyll going to hunt?
1. Princess Flavia.
2. The day after the ball, when Rassendyll is saying goodbye to go to Zenda to hunt
3. Duke Michael.
3)“If you do not know how to address the King, my brother must find another messenger.”
1. Who does Rass. say this to?
2. Where are they?
3. Why does he say this?
1. Rassendyll says this to Rupert Hentzau.
2. They are at Tarlenheim.
3. He says this because Hentzau has addressed him as “Rassendyll”
4)“Rassendyll, I think that this time next year, you’ll still be King.”
1. Who says this?
2. What has he just heard?
3. Why does he think Rassendyll will still be King after a year?
1. Colonel Sapt.
2. He has just heard the Duke’s plan for killing the King.
3. Because the Duke’s plan is very clever and he will kill the King whether he is attacked by a small group or a large one.

1)“Go back to Strelsau and tell the Ambassador what you know. I’ll look into this for you.”
1. Who does Rass. say this to?
2. What is it that Rass. will look into?
3. Why doesn’t he want the Chief of Police to investigate about the missing man?
1. Rassendyll says this to the Chief of Police of Strelsau.
2. The missing Englishman Mr Rassendyll.
3. Because he might find out that Rassendyll is pretending to be the King.

2)“I hear there are new servants at the castle. Do these servants know the King’s a prisoner there?”
1. Who says this to whom?
2. What does listener answer?
3. Why is that important?
1. Rassendyll says it to Johann.
2. He answers that the servants do not know that the prisoner is the King.
3. Rassendyll wants to know if the servants will think he is the King (and obey him or
surrender to him when he attacks the castle).

3)“He makes me angry. I nearly killed him myself last night. Think carefully about my plan.”
1. Who says this to Rassendyll?
2. Who is the person talking about?
3. What is the person’s plan?
1. Rupert Hentzau says this.
2. He is talking about Duke Michael.
3. He will help Rassendyll attack the castle. But Sapt, Fritz,Michael and the real King must all die. Then Rassendyll will remain King.

1)“This woman’s been writing secret letters to Rassendyll! She needs to be punished!”
1. Who says this to whom?
2. Who is “this woman”?
3. What is the speaker doing while saying this?
1. Rupert Hentzau says this to Duke Michael.
2. “This woman” is Antoinette de Mauban.
3. He is attacking Antoinette and fighting with Duke Michael.
2)“Dead! That’s good. Then I’m your leader now. Put down your weapons and do as I say.”
1. Who says this to whom?
2. Where is the speaker?
3. Do the people obey him? What happens?
1. Rupert Hentzau says this to the Duke’s servants.
2. He is standing on the drawbridge (between the mansion and castle).
3. No, they don’t obey him. They let Madame de Mauban try to shoot him.
3)“Why didn’t you follow my plan? We could have worked well together.”
1. Who says this to whom?
2. Where are they and what has just happened?
3. What was the plan?

1. Hentzau says this to Rass.
2. They are in the forest near the castle. Rupert has killed the Duke. Rass.killed Michael’s.
3. The King, the Duke, Sapt, and Fritz would all die. Rassendyll would remain the King and Hentzau would be rewarded.
4)“I hoped that tomorrow, you’d come with me to Strelsau and tell everyone about the brave things that you’ve done, but Sapt tells me that this isn’t possible.”
1. Who says this to whom?
2. Where are they?
3. What do these words tell you about the speaker’s character and the speaker’s relationship with Sapt?
1. The (real) King says this to Rassendyll.
2. They are in a bedroom in the mansion (the castle).
3. The speaker needs Sapt to give him advice.

مقاطعة في انجلترا يحكمها روبرت أخو رودولف راسندل
دولة وهمية في وسط أوروبا بالقرب من ألمانيا يتحدث أهلها اللغة الألمانية
مدينة صغيرة على بعد 80 كم من العاصمة بها غابة وقلعة شهيرة تخص الدوق مايكل
عاصمة روريتانيا به حي قديم يسكنه الفقراء ذو شوارع ضيقة وحي



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